


The shamanic songs of Icaros are considered to be the key connecting the entire spiritual world and everything in it: the energy, the healing and the journey of the soul. The shaman gets the icaro from the plant (which he usually diets), and by singing it, he opens other people to their paths.

Icaros are used by healers and shamans from the Inca, Shipibo and Quechua traditions and they sing them during traditional healing ceremonies.

You should remember that shaman singing is much more than just singing – it is a healing tool, a carrier of wisdom and of the healer’s personal energy and a symbol of his power.
Very often the shaman sings an icaro in order to charge an object or a medicinal decoction with the power, giving it a specific property. When icaros are sung for a person, it helps to cleanse, heal and protect. During the ceremony, the icaros ensure a safe, sacred space, heal and protect participants and show the way to the medicine.

Icaro is the foundation of healing work in the Amazon. It contains the wisdom and skills of a shaman and is essential for calling in the Medicine. The knowledge and ability to heal with shamanic songs depends largely on the preparation of curandero through diets (retreats in solitude), his maturity, internal integrity, discipline (as a lifestyle ) and knowledge obtained from teachers and traditional guides and masters.


Shamanism and conventional medicine

Shamanism and conventional medicine

We are very lucky to live in a time when modern medicine and science have made remarkable progress. New medical discoveries are made on an ongoing basis, and doctors are now able to perform such complex procedures that we did not even dream about a dozen years ago.

So why, despite such amazing progress, many patients do not experience improvement in their health after taking medications, and often even experience relapses?

A possible explanation is the huge gap between conventional medicine and the mental and spiritual world of every human being.

Modern medicine focuses on treating the physical body and eliminating the symptoms of the disease, while very often, the root cause of the disease remains unresolved in the spiritual realm, causing it to keep coming back.
According to shamanic knowledge, illness begins on a spiritual and energetic level, therefore it is at this level that one should act first of all. Such action at the root restores balance and enables true healing.

Inca shamans and healers from the Peruvian Andes believed that the human body was surrounded by a luminous matrix. More precisely, that we are surrounded by a Light Energy Field that manifests all forms, including the health of the body. This invisible matrix of energy consists of light and vibration, therefore whatever you include in the field changes its vibration and determines what you manifest in both your body and the outside world.
Emotional suffering, untreated past traumas or often times heavy foreign energies can be contained in our light energy field, exhausting it and creating disharmony and illness in the physical body.
Over the millennia, the ancient Andean shamans have learned how to access this biological plane of light and help the Spirit advance in creation. They also learned how to cure disease and maintain good health, and how to shape personal destiny by changing the field of light energy.
By unlocking the energies inherent in old patterns, removing the negative traces of toxic emotions, traumas and limiting the behavioral patterns that hold them back, bringing out intrusive and harmful forms of energy, they knew how to restore natural balance and allow a person to experience transformation and an increased sense of well-being and empowerment.

These are the eternal sacred ways of allowing change and evolution into your life. Shamanism helps to remove blockages and allows for the next step – that is progress.


Shamanism information


Shamanism goes back almost 100,000 years and is considered the first spiritual practice of the human species. The roots of shamanism can be found in every culture and religion all over the world. We all have shamanic ancestors.

The shamanic worldview recognizes that all life is sacred, that everything has spirit or energy, and these spirits and energies interact and communicate with us all the time. The shaman makes contact with these spirits to become an intermediary between man and the natural, spiritual world.

Shamans believe that there is a spiritual cause and solution to all physical and emotional illnesses. If a problem arises, they go to the spiritual realm on behalf of the needy person and help with the process of resolving the existing disharmony.

In shamanism, you work in three worlds: upper, middle, or lower (or all of them in turn). In them, time flows differently, and the future, present and past are intertwined. Time is not linear as we are used to in everyday life, it becomes circular – which means that we are following a spiral of events.